
Thursday, May 31, 2012

You are a friggin idiot...

Idiot Pastor.
No God of my understanding would take the stance taken by this moron.  I think the Lord himself is shaking his head.

Beat the bully...

Do I sound angry?  Hell yeah I am!  What the fuck is up with guardians/parents not addressing their kids who are being bullies (worse if the parents are bullies also).  Let me find out my kid is being a bully and laws be damn because my child is getting an ass whipping.

What kind of a person picks on someone weaker? I believe there is a term for that called a p#*sy.  Children need to be taught (and for that matter so do some ignorant ass adults) to treat each other with respect and courtesy.  In case you haven't heard life is short.  God put us on this earth and I doubt his intent was to have everyone harming each other be it emotionally, physically or verbally.

Note to the little witch kicking my nephew down the slide in the playground while the other little girls taunted – tell mommy I will be there next time.  I am supposed to tell my nephew not to hit girls when I want to slap a bitch myself.  Just ignore them – fuck no.  My sister was trying to address the girls nicely – can you please stop kicking him!! Oh lawd – then when Madea come out we all uncivilized and shit.  I am not trying to have someone yell at my kids but if my kids are doing wrong and I am not around then do you because that is how they learn – note that I said "yell" not touch and "if I am not around" – meaning at one point someone should be yelling "whose kid is this?" (and I mean YELLING because I am hearing impaired).

Breath……ok sorry I had to get that out of my system.  I get heated every time I think of my braveheart getting picked on.  Make no mistake - if it were his younger brother on the slide them girls wouldn't even have known how to handle his reaction and 2 of us would have had to hold back that 5 year old.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I often wonder what in someone's life causes them to act superior – and make no mistake because it is acting.  You may have a degree in law, philosophy, a license to practice medicine, or have invented the next best thing to the crapper - but at the end of the day you are a mammal. While you may know more about certain things someone else may excel in another topic or profession.

You can have a mansion but will one day be at the mercy of an electrician or plumber; or even as brilliant as you are you will some day have to ask the stock person what aisle the olives are in. 

Based on today's news events it is being said that the Zombie Apocalypse is here.  Do you think those Zombies are going to give a shit that you make 7 figures and have an Island in the Caymans.  That person you stepped on – on your upward climb may be the very person with the weaponry to save your ass.

In other words – don't be an asshole your whole life.  Pick and choose your battles, make sure they are worth the fight and don't ever think you are so much greater than anyone that you have a right to belittle or berate them.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The world of online dating...

A while back I decided to try online dating.  It is a good experience if you are trying to get yourself back out there.  I met some fairly normal people like myself and some from planet Hell No but I didn't realize it would be such a filtering process - people lie. They put pictures of of themselves when they were 10 years younger and 60 lbs lighter.  Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem dating an older heavy guy but at least give me a heads up.  Don't have me looking for William Levy when your ass is Dennis Franz (who I find to be an attractive man with a whole lot of swagger).  Point is Dennis wouldn't put a pic of himself when he was 45 if he is in fact 60.

If you have a lazy eye, peg leg or tourette let a sista know.  Same applies to the ladies but I will leave that mess for someone else to take on.

I am, for the most part, a very honest person.  I also don't have time to waste on nonsense so after taking some time to work on my profile this was the end result.

"Primarily, I am a mom, daughter, sister and friend.  I value those roles and while I strive to be the best in all of them I try not to take them too seriously.

I have a sarcastic, quick wit and often laugh at things I shouldn't.
I make every effort to be a person of my word.  I am a work in progress.
I, like many others, prefer honesty in any relationship.  Be straight, be real but don't be an idiot when doing it.
I am a Mets fan.  Doesn't matter how bad the season - it goes with this horrible loyalty trait I have in me. I have nothing against Yankee fans, I'm just not one of them.

I am not for you if:

You want athletic & toned
You are a stickler for etiquette (while I know how to drink out of a glass and control most bodily functions upper class lady I am not)
You want or think you want kids (I have 2 I can barely tolerate)
You want a domestic Goddess
You are deeply religious, I have people praying for my soul this very moment."

You be surprised at how people set their standards because I had no shortage of emails.  As I said earlier - it was a good experience but for now I choose to remain single.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ish in The Lo-Down...

Local Writer Sissy Silva on Things That Make You Shake Your Head, Curse Like a Sailor & Give the Finger

Auhor and LES native Sissy Silva. Photo by Erin Egan Rodriguez.

In today’s world of fast paced, non-stop Facebook updates and Twitter feeds we have become accustomed to the “one-liner.” We find humor in its simplicity more now than ever. It has become the standard to abbreviate and get right to the point, when discussing our daily lives and our feelings on everything from child rearing to politics. Author Sissy Silva, a Lower East Side resident....

Click below to continue reading.
Random Ish in the Lo-Down

Saturday, May 12, 2012

A work in progress..

There was a time in my life that I hated being alone.  I wouldn't go retail shopping without someone coming with me.  Sitting in a restaurant alone was not happening.  I would put the tv on as soon as I walked in my door from work because I couldn't stand the silence.

Years later - I am so glad I don't loathe myself anymore and am almost 100% comfortable in my own skin.  I say almost because I am still a work in progress - we all are.  That is what it was.  I didn't want to be alone with my thoughts or feelings.

I was much more comfortable be controlled by words like:
You shouldn't be feeling this way.
You are too sensitive.
You don't need that - you just have to....

Every action I took was based on the voices of those closest to me.  The voice in my own head was weak and pathetic.

I have grown to be someone who not only doesn't care if she is alone but actually values her alone time.  I rarely turn on the  tv.  I can sit in a restaurant with a book or journal and observe what is around me. I love shopping alone - while it is good to have someone there to challenge and push you a little further out of your comfort zone - it has taught me to trust my own opinion.

I am now in the process of making my voice stronger. I have always been so easily swayed - a flag blowing in the wind - going wherever the stronger force is pushing.  It is actually really difficult to draw a line in the sand and not keep letting the tide push you back (I am kind of impressed with my metaphors) but it is essential.  Trust yourself, your feelings, your thoughts (unless you are psychotic) and your instincts.  Listen to the voices of those around you and take all that is good, loving and positive - it will give your own voice courage and strength.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Back Dr...

I was at the chiropractor today.  My back has been really acting up.  Anyway he says "put your arms like this - I am going to push down to your ribs."  I said "good luck with that because I haven't seen them since I was like 7."

Monday, May 7, 2012


Don't give your word lightly - and when you do give it with truth and meaning behind it.  It is one of the few things you own in its entirety.

You can have all the money and fame in the world but if you aren't someone who keeps your word then you have no worth.  Don't say you are going to do something and then not follow through and don't say you did something if you didn't (I find both of these especially irritating).

What a great feeling you get when your friends and family can trust that you are going to show up for them when you say you will because that has been your past practice and you are a person who places value on your word.

This is not to say that Ish doesn't happen that sometimes gets in the way of you following through - but don't have a bag of excuses or be one of those people that always has a story as to why you let someone down.  After a while those people stop listening to those excuses and you are the only one who thinks anyone actually believes them.