
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Life isn't Rose Garden....

   I haven't blogged in minute but was inspired to do so today.

   There have been a lot of changes going on in my life and there are still more to come.  I am excited, happy, scared, worried and alive.

   My life isn't just a garden of roses.  It also has lilies, daisies, chrysanthemums (yeah I had to google that) as well as thorns and weeds.  All and all it is my garden with a variety good and difficult areas.

   I never quite understood the type of person who enjoys when someone fails or waits for the moment when someone is down to say "I saw that coming" or "I told you so."  Truthfully, I am probably guilty of saying that at times.  How fucked up of me - time for some self reflection on why.

   I am comfortable and content with where I am right now.  I am still on my learning path and I don't expect it to always be smooth but at least I know I accept where I am, what happens and the work I am doing to better myself as a person, mom, daughter, friend, sister and woman.  It is about progress not perfection and I know I have made mistakes and will continue to do so. I can go to sleep accepting accountability for them.

  Don't you hate when you are so busy looking around at what is going on around you that you don't even know you stepped in shit?  Maybe you should go clean off your shoes, then again, maybe you are comfortable standing in shit.