
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Beat the bully...

Do I sound angry?  Hell yeah I am!  What the fuck is up with guardians/parents not addressing their kids who are being bullies (worse if the parents are bullies also).  Let me find out my kid is being a bully and laws be damn because my child is getting an ass whipping.

What kind of a person picks on someone weaker? I believe there is a term for that called a p#*sy.  Children need to be taught (and for that matter so do some ignorant ass adults) to treat each other with respect and courtesy.  In case you haven't heard life is short.  God put us on this earth and I doubt his intent was to have everyone harming each other be it emotionally, physically or verbally.

Note to the little witch kicking my nephew down the slide in the playground while the other little girls taunted – tell mommy I will be there next time.  I am supposed to tell my nephew not to hit girls when I want to slap a bitch myself.  Just ignore them – fuck no.  My sister was trying to address the girls nicely – can you please stop kicking him!! Oh lawd – then when Madea come out we all uncivilized and shit.  I am not trying to have someone yell at my kids but if my kids are doing wrong and I am not around then do you because that is how they learn – note that I said "yell" not touch and "if I am not around" – meaning at one point someone should be yelling "whose kid is this?" (and I mean YELLING because I am hearing impaired).

Breath……ok sorry I had to get that out of my system.  I get heated every time I think of my braveheart getting picked on.  Make no mistake - if it were his younger brother on the slide them girls wouldn't even have known how to handle his reaction and 2 of us would have had to hold back that 5 year old.

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