
Wednesday, March 5, 2014


There are a lot of changes going on in my life.  All good but stressful nonetheless.  I have lost sight of the good and have allowed the stress to dominate.  Lucky for me I took a class today given by Chrissy Scivicque of  Pretty good stuff and although the class was about perception, opportunity and perspective in you career it applied 100% to my personal life as well.

Chrissy talked about stretching yourself out of your comfort zone and allowing growth to happen.  She talked about taking responsibility of your career (and your life). If only she knew that in a few months I will be embarking on one of the greatest adventures of my life.

Here are some of the things that I carried with me when I walked out the class:

1. It is about progress not perfection - this has always been one of my favorites - give yourself credit for what you have accomplished - don't minimize because it wasn't done to perfection [perfection is overrated].

2. Having a breakdown can be a window to a breakthrough - love this.  It means next time I lock myself in the bathroom crying I can not just focus on the emotional but also look to see what I can learn about me.

3. Begin with the End in Mind - S. Covey.  - See yourself where you want to be and figure out how to get there. Not getting there isn't an option.

4. Recognize your value - Choose to see the value in what you do and who you are.

Chrissy offers a lot of inspiration, wisdom and thought provoking words, really glad I had an opportunity to hear them.

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