"Drama - a state, situation, or series of events involving interesting or intense conflict of forces."
It seems no matter how old, educated or wealthy someone is drama is bound to make an appearance in life. Whether it be with family, relationships, jobs or friendships.
It seems to stem from feelings of fear, hurt, insecurity or jealously caused by an action of someone or something. It grows with words connected with: he said/she said; I have to tell you something; and/or I heard.
I find that whether you look for it or not it can find you. The question is how does one avoid it when it arrives?
I ask myself:
1. How much of this is really about me?
2. Can I let this pass and go unaddressed (which usually depends on the amount of pride I have and how much the people involved matter to me)?
3. Will it make a difference in someones life if they know what I know?
4. Would I want to know if it where me?
5. Is it a life and death issue?
Sometimes, I feel grown up enough to walk away and other times I can easily get sucked into the feed but throughout it I make a conscious effort to accept my part in the role I played. Could I have handled this situation different and would it have made a difference?
Bottom line - when the credits go up acknowledge your role and hold yourself accountable for the choices you make and the actions you take.
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