
Saturday, December 31, 2011

What I have learned in 2011...

1.   If you eat a lot you will gain weight.
2.   Brushing your teeth does not necessarily mean you have fresh breath...use floss.
3.   Bailey's is good all year round.
4.   Stop blaming everything around you for your circumstances and be accountable for your shit.
5.   It isn't that you don't know what you have until it is gone - it is that you never thought you would lose it (this doesn't apply to weight).
6.   You are better than you give yourself credit for.
7.   There are too many banks and not enough money.
8.   Assholes and stupidity walk among us.
9.   Sometimes it is better not to say anything (I have not yet mastered this).
10. Fat and ugly are not one word and don't go together nor do skinny and beautiful.
11. Music invigorates the soul.
12. is great.
13. There are some things that will never be forgotten (unless Alzheimer sets in).
14.  Bitterness makes you ugly inside.
15.  Soda is mentally addictive.
16.  My friends and family are the best.
17.  Listen to your instinct - it is there for a purpose.
18.  Pay attention to what is going on in the world around you (no matter how depressing - this is something I really need to get working on).
19.  Just because you think it is urgent doesn't mean it is.
20.  Amazing people surround you - take notice.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Random Ish & Other Nonsense - The Book

is due to be released at the beginning of 2012.  Like my Facebook page below for up to date information.

Random-Ish-Other-Nonsense Facebook Page

Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Let the count down begin!!

May the New Year Bring you and yours love, laughter, happiness and good fortune!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I am utterly disgusted with the amount of cuts the Department of Education & Mayor has made to NYC Public Schools across the board over the 5 boroughs.  They grade teachers and students and yet continue to cut funding, expecting parents of low-middle income to carry the schools.

Every PTA meeting I attend has fund raising at the foreground - silent auction, bake sale, cookie swap, dollar drive, rummage, etc....At a PTA meeting I attended last night we actually applauded because someone donated a box of paper to the schools covered in our district.  That is some bullshit.    The DOE might as well have our educators drawing math problems on the dirt outside with a stick.


Every damn year for the past I don't even know how many years the budget goes down at the very least another $20,000.  I am figuring the DOE is currently giving each school $32.50 for the entire school year.

STOP IT ALREADY!  Parents - it is time to make some noise and not accept these cuts as an option.  The wheels are turning so stay tuned.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hi folks!

Been a little busy this month and haven't had any brilliant thoughts to write about - as if all my other post are brilliant - smh...I digress.  I was hoping to have Random Ish & Other Nonsense out by Christmas but it looks like it will be in January (fingers crossed).

I have had a blessed year and I am very fortunate to have such amazing people in my life.  I want to thank you for dropping in on my blog and reading my posts and truly hope that it has brought some laughter into your life.

I want to wish all of you and your families a wonderful holiday season!  Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it and Season's Greetings for those who don't.  Remember to pick and choose your battles and make sure they are worth fighting for.  May your family and loved ones be blessed and may the ones who are no longer on earth stay alive in your hearts and continue to watch over you and give your strength.

I can't take credit for this pic but I loved it so I wanted to share.


See you next year.

Friday, December 2, 2011

This is some F N Crazy ISH!

This is some serious BS

It would be death by stoning for me but I am taking some of the F'krs down with me.